Dedicated to the children of Kidane Mehret
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Kidane Mehret Children’s Home is home to children who have lost their first families because of disease, poverty, special needs and more. From infants to teenagers, healthy to profound disabilities, the nuns and nannies of Kidane Mehret have dedicated their lives to the love, dignity and inherent worth of all children.
We need your help.
When adoption closed in Ethiopia in 2018, the funding for orphanages ceased, yet the need for support for children did not. Since that time, Kidane Mehret has survived mostly because of the generous donations of families who have been impacted by their mission. Their most basic needs - food, medical supplies, underwear, sanitary products - are never a given in their day to day. With your support, Kidane Mehret can continue to support the children, giving them the essentials to survive in a world that has left them behind.

“We can change the world and make it a better place. It is in our hands to make a difference.”
Nelson Mandela