About us

Tim and Isabella Ehrlich traveled to Ethiopia for the first time in 2016 to adopt their older daughter Arsema. They witnessed firsthand the profound impact the loving care, physical touch and devotion the nuns and nannies of Kidane Mehret had upon the children living there and were profoundly affected by their selfless devotion to the dignity of all children.

Since that time the Ehrlichs have traveled to Ethiopia many times. When adoption closed in 2018, they knew that Kidane Mehret and the children would struggle to survive. They committed to supporting Kidane Mehret in gratitude for the love, nurture and care they had given their daughter - and the myriad children she lived with - before she joined their family.

In 2020 they formed Gursha, Inc to help fund the needs of Kidane Mehret. They have expanded this mission in order to serve the needs of more underserved children in Ethiopia, focusing on organizations that combat the systemic roots of child abandonment, as well as commit to child welfare (including health care).

Gursha, Inc is named after the Ethiopian act of gursha, or feeding another by hand during a meal. It conveys honor, intimacy and fellowship. It is in this spirit of sharing that Gursha, Inc was founded.

Gursha, Inc. is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit corporation. All deductions are tax deductible to the extent permitted under the law.


“Kindness can transform someone’s dark moment with a blaze of light. You’ll never know how much your caring matters. Make a difference for another today.